Chief, Epilepsy Division, University of Utah


Dr. Awais Riaz, MD

Awais Riaz works in the field of Neurology. He graduated from King Edward Medical University. He received awards:"Regional Top Doctor", "Dissertation Research Award", "Pharmacology Fellow" and "Merit Scholarship". Awais Riaz is a published doctor and has 1 publication published. The lastest was: 'Register to See 15 More' Awais Riaz is registered with Medicare and accepts Medicare payments.


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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1205926821
NPPES Provider LastName   RIAZ
NPPES Provider FirstName   AWAIS
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   841320001
NPPES Provider State   UT
Specialty Description   Neurology
Total Claim Count   1033.0
Distinct Opioid Count   0.0
Opioid Claim Count   0.0
Percent Opioid Claims   0.0

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Medicare Facts

National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1205926821
Last Name Of The Provider RIAZ
First Name Of The Provider AWAIS
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